
Living in Cumbria has some serious upsides. It can also be tough. Really tough. The beautiful landscape hides intense poverty and lack of opportunity. Two things that fuel each other.

Cumbria has a strong history of community – people working together to face challenges. Cumbria Community Foundation exists to continue and build that.

We bring people who love Cumbria together to make our county stronger. So local people can meet the challenges they face and can achieve their potential.

Latest News

Join Cumbria’s High Sheriff for cross bay walk challenge


£600,000 to benefit good causes across Cumbria


Supporting care leavers in Cumbria


Age Friendly South Lakeland

Age-friendly communities make it possible for people to continue to stay in their homes, participate in the activities that they enjoy, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible.
Read more about Age Friendly South Lakes »

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