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Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more benefits support answers with our FAQ page

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How often do I need to renew my claim for Benefit?

We will check your claim by occasionally asking you to complete a review form or asking to visit you.

If your circumstances change at any time you must tell us immediately.

If you do not return the form on time or if the Visiting Officer is not able to see you it will result in your Benefit being temporarily stopped. We will write and tell you if we have done this.

If you still do not return the form or arrange a visit your claim will be cancelled and you will have to reapply for Benefit. If you wish to reapply for Benefit you should complete and return the form as quickly as you can as there may be a gap during which we are not allowed to pay you benefit.

If you delay returning the form or seeing the Visiting Officer you could lose out.

You must complete either a change of circumstances form or a new application form every time you move home, even if this is between flats or rooms within the same building. If there is no gap between moving from one property to another you only need to fill in a change of circumstances form otherwise you must fill in a new claim form. Contact us for advice if you are not sure which to fill in.

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