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  Environmental Problems - FAQs

Water quality and flooding

The Environment Agency provides the Floodline Service - Telephone Number 0845 988 1188. You can listen to recorded flood warning information or speak to an operator for general information and advice 24 hours a day.

Our approach to providing emergency assistance during times of flooding is as follows:

  • We have no legal responsibility to provide assistance to residents during times of flood.
  • We will provide emergency assistance on a case by case basis dependent upon local conditions, our obligations elsewhere in the district and the available resources.
  • In conjunction with partner organisations we operate a local flood plan in the event of a flooding incident and this includes details of how each of the organisations will respond as flooding incidents develop in each of the flood zones in the district.
  • We will assist with the dissemination of Environment Agency flood warnings where appropriate.
  • Very serious flooding resulting in the need for evacuation of houses, provision of temporary accommodation and the like is covered by our Emergency Plan.

At times of emergency, we will endeavour to protect the public at large but will not be able to assist a large number of individual homeowners who may find their properties threatened. Individual home owners, particularly those whose homes may be at risk of flooding, need to consider in advance what action they may need to take during a flooding incident to help themselves. They may wish to have sandbags available or install water stop devices around doors, windows and vents to prevent water damaging their property.

Water supply testing and Bathing water quality

A private water supply is one not provided by a water supplier (such as United Utilities) and may come from a source such as; a well, borehole, spring, stream, river, lake or a pond. The supply may serve only one property or several but in either case it is essential the supply be well maintained to minimise any risk to human health.

The Council legally has to monitor the quality of all private water supplies in the borough under the Private Water Supply (England and Wales) Regulations 2009, although depending on how many people use the supply dictates how often it is tested.

Bathing water is routinely checked by the local authority at the swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, which are open for public use in order to ensure the water quality is satisfactory and the water treatment equipment and procedures are operating effectively.



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