Saturday , September , 21 2024
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Attending a Council or Committee Meeting

You are welcome to attend Council, or some of the other committee meetings, to find out how we make decisions. We may ask you to leave before we discuss some items on an agenda for legal reasons. These items are always indicated on the agenda as items where the press and public are excluded (Pat B items). These items contain confidential or other information that is classed as 'exempt' in law, for example, personal information about an employee of the Council.

Filming, photographing, recording and using social media at public council meetings
If a meeting is open to the public, you are allowed to film, sound record, photograph and use social media to report on the meeting, providing that these activities do not disrupt the meeting.

We would ask anyone who wishes to use large equipment to contact us in advance to seek further advice as these requests are subject to practical considerations and the constraints of our meeting rooms. Anyone wishing to do this will need to contact us with at least 24 hours notice.

This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically