You are Here : Residents  >  Housing and Homeless  >  Low Cost Housing  >  LCH Application Form
Wednesday , February , 12 2025
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Low Cost Housing - How to apply

In addition to your application form, we will require:

  • Last two months payslips (eight weeks if paid weekly)
  • Evidence of savings (must be recent)
  • Last two months bank/building society statements from all current account/s
  • Decision in Principle or Mortgage Certificate NOTE: The mortgage advisor/lender must be made aware that the property is subject to a Section 106 Agreement.

All information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential. We may also ask for further information depending on what is detailed in the application form.

You will be contacted by email after your form has been processed with options on how to supply these documents. All information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential. We may also ask for further information depending on what is detailed in the application form.

All fields marked are required

Details of Main Applicant 1:  















Applicant 2: Details









Other Applicants in house:










Previous Accommodation:







Ability to purchase:




What type of accommodation are you looking for



Will this be your main home




Local Connection

Qualifying Criteria :

Some schemes require a local connection to a particular area (e.g. you were born there or have lived or worked there for over 3 years). Make a selection from the following areas and then explain the reasons for your selection




Please be aware that failure to complete any fields that are important to your application for low cost housing could jeopardise your application



General Data Protection Regulation:

(GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018, and provides greater transparency for people regarding what data organisations collect relating to them, and what it can be used for. To learn more about our fair processing process please visit our privacy section >>


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