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Overview and scrutiny is an important part of local government, and is at the heart of a councillor's role as an elected representative. In this section you will find details about the Overview and Scrutiny Panels and their work, links to other scrutiny web pages, and find out how you can become involved.

Scrutiny aims

The aim of overview and scrutiny is to make decision-making processes more transparent, accountable and inclusive and to improve services for people by being responsive to their needs. For scrutiny to be effective, the process must be open, fair, constructive and positive. The aim is to challenge decisions so improvements can be made, not to apportion blame when things go wrong.

The scrutiny process should be inclusive and should aim to ensure that all those who wish to contribute - whether as councillors, officers, co-optees, specialists or members of the public giving evidence - feel valued and are able to speak freely and openly.

Overall, overview and scrutiny is about making a difference and improving the lives of the people who live and work in Carlisle.

  Scrutiny FAQ

Subject Reviews

Subject reviews provide the opportunity to carry out in depth analysis of particularly challenging on problematic issues affecting the Council and the community.  This work is usually carried out by a small group of Members who are referred to as a Task and Finish Group.

By its nature, subject review will entail a good deal of work which can last several months.  The Task and Finish Group can employ different ways of working to learn about a subject.  For example they can go on site visits, carry out mystery shopping and hold informal meetings.  Often the main meetings in a subject review are “evidence sessions” – in these the Task Group will ask detailed questions of expert witnesses who they have invited specially. 

At the end of the subject review, the Task and Finish Group will produce a report detailing their findings and will usually make a number of recommendations.  These recommendations are presented to the Council’s Executive and any other agencies affected.  Actions on the recommendations are monitored by the scrutiny panel to see it they have been put into practice and what improvements in service have resulted.

Subject Reviews

Please contact the Overview and Scrutiny Officer for the final reports of subject reviews:

  • Litter Bins
  • Recycling
  • Hate Crime
  • Support for Community Centres
  • Carlisle Tourist Information Centre
  • Saving Paper
  • Talkin Tarm
  • Community Asset Transfer Policy
  • Green Spaces Strategy

This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically