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Thursday , February , 06 2025
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What is consultation and why do we need to consult?

Consultation is about asking what people think and feeding back what will happen as a result.

Consultation with service users is important to us, as it is the best way to find out if our services are meeting your needs. This information can then be used to improve the services for you by shaping future policy and feeding into our decision making.

We consult on:

  • What you think about proposals or policy?
  • What you would like from our services?
  • How satisfied you are with our services?
  • What we could do to improve our services?

How do we consult?

We consult our customers throughout the year on our services. It is really important for us to know what our customers think because it helps us to shape the services to suit you.

If you require any further information please contact the Policy and Communications Team at the Civic Centre on 01228 817258 or via email at [email protected]


Current consultations

Service User Satisfaction 2022/23

For a chance to win a £50 One4All gift card please complete our annual customer satisfaction survey via this link.










This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically