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Housing Associations covering Carlisle area

Riverside Carlisle (formerly Carlisle Housing Association)
English Gate Plaza

Tel: 0800 169 3245 / 0345 155 9020

Riverside Carlisle was created as a result of the Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) of housing stock from Carlisle City Council in December 2002. The stock includes accommodation for a range of clients including families, single people, older people and people with disabilities.

Impact Housing Association
47 Nelson Street

Tel: 01228 633664

Impact Housing Association provides a range of affordable housing to local people with a housing need. This includes housing for families, single people, older people and people with disabilities. Their stock in Carlisle also includes student accommodation.

Two Castles Housing Association
3 Castle Street

Tel: 01228 547463

Two Castles Housing Association provides accommodation for a range of clients including families, single people, older people and people with disabilities throughout Carlisle and surrounding areas.

Eden Housing Association
Blain House
Bridge Lane
CA11 8QU

Tel: 01768 861400

Eden Housing Association was created from the LSVT of Eden's council stock of 1,500 homes in 1997. The stock includes a mix of general needs houses and flats, accommodation for the disabled and sheltered flats and bungalows for older persons.

Home North West
5 Water Street

Tel: 016973 44816

It is Home North West's aim to provide housing for those in greatest need. This operates on a points based system. A range of accommodation is available for anyone over the age of 18. Home North West owns 68 properties in the Carlisle area.

Haig Homes
Alban Dobson House
Green Lane

Tel: 0208 685 5777

Haig Homes provide housing for rent only to ex-servicemen and women, including those with young families leaving HM Forces today who may become irregular occupants of Service married quarters or are under Notice to Quit. Haig Homes owns 24 properties in the Carlisle area.

The Chairman,
Abbeyfield Society
4 River Street,

Abbeyfield Society provide either very sheltered housing schemes ("supportive houses") for 6 – 12 people, or registered residential care homes ("extra care") for 25 – 30. It is run by local volunteers and supported by professional staff at local and nation levels.

Anchor Trust
Business Support Centre
Milestone Place
100 Bolton Road

Tel: 08457 758595

Anchor Homes provides private self-contained accommodation for the elderly. Anchor operates schemes registered both as residential care and nursing homes.

Brampton Rural Housing Society
The Old Brewery
Craw Hall

Tel: 016977 2323

The society was founded in 1926 by a group of local people to provide decent, affordable rented housing for local people who lived or worked in Brampton and the surrounding villages. They own 155 properties, mainly three-bedroom family homes but accommodation is available for a wide range of clients.

Housing 21
Resource Room
Marigold Court
Old Fold
NE10 0DZ

Tel: 0191 4788073 / 0191 4788071

Housing 21 provides sheltered housing for those in both housing need and necessitous circumstances usually over the age of 55. The association owns 21 units of accommodation in Brampton.

Mitre Housing Association
Blain House
Bridge Lane
CA11 8QU

Tel: 01768 861400 (Eden Housing Association)

Mitre Housing Association wishes to assist the growth and maintenance of the Christian life and act to encourage the establishment of family life within the community. Eden Housing Association manages mitre properties. Mitre owns seven properties in Brampton.

Dimensions (UK) Ltd
Unit 41
Carlisle Enterprise Centre
James Street

Tel: 01228 594854

Dimensions (UK) Ltd is a specialist housing association providing housing for people with learning disabilities and enduring mental health problems. The accommodation comes in the form of single rooms in shared houses in the Carlisle area.

Railway Housing Association
Bank Top House
Garbutt Square
Neasham Road

Tel: 0191 267 5587

Railway Housing Association develops, maintains and manages accommodation for current or retired railway staff and others in housing need. The association aims to provide convenient and comfortable accommodation in a setting which allows tenants to lead a private and independent life in their own home yet gives underlying security by means of a community alarm.

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