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Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the information you want in our service pages, you may be able to find it on this main FAQ page.
After looking at the statistics of how users browse our site we have now focused on the most used services as priority, many hundreds of information pages on our site that were accessed rarely or sometimes not at all have now been removed to de-clutter and make our site easier to use.

However we still accept that some information is desirable to help our users better understand aspects of how Carlisle City Council services work, so we provide FAQ lists on most our section landing pages.
All FAQs including any FAQ that does not fit in any of our our site sections are accessible here in the master FAQ page.

Master FAQ ( select a category or search for answers )



Cockroaches are large, robust insects with whip-like antennae and two pairs of wings. Adult cockroaches live about 4-14 months. A female cockroach can produce about 150 offspring in an average eight month lifetime.

Cockroaches like to avoid daylight and hide in cracks and crevices. They eat almost anything and come out to forage at dusk and early night. They thrive at temperatures of 20-35°C, more towards the higher end of the range. They need access to water so are mostly found in kitchens and toilets. They stay together in groups and move along water pipes and air ducts.

Cockroaches can walk, run, jump and sometimes fly. But their main movement from building to building is in transported goods; this can even occur in ships and aircraft.

Cockroaches and disease

Cockroaches are implicated in the transfer of diseases such as salmonella and staphylococcus. They have been associated with outbreaks of gastroenteritis, typhus and skin diseases. Contact with cockroaches can lead to a number of allergic illnesses, including dermatitis, urticaria (another skin disease), rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma. Some people have an aversion to cockroaches amounting to phobia and can suffer anxiety when in the presence of the insects.

Keeping cockroaches out

Good hygiene is essential in preventing or limiting infestation. it is vital to deny cockroaches food, water and shelter. Dishes should be washed promptly, food stored in tightly sealed containers, working surfaces kept clean, and all scraps and crumbs cleared up. Rubbish should be kept in containers with tight lids and the bags properly sealed when moved outside. Water spills should be mopped up and all water leaks, sweating pipes, etc. repaired. Remove any clutter where cockroaches might live and mend any holes and cracks in walls. Seal openings around pipes, remove paint and loose wallpaper and replace broken tiles.

Insecticides and other treatments

Eradication of an infestation is a professional job. Some older insecticides can be purchased by members of the public but more modern and effective chemicals are only available for professional use. Home owners or tenants should report the presence of cockroaches to the local authority Environmental Health Department in Carlisle.

Eradication begins with trapping and monitoring. Adhesive traps containing bait which consists of food mixed with insecticide are used and the number of cockroaches trapped will show the extent of infestation.

Taking action

Councils are able to take action under the Public Health Act 1936 to obtain access to premises and carry out treatments. Council officials must obtain a warrant from a magistrate and can enter at 24 hours notice.

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