Wednesday , September , 18 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the information you want in our service pages, you may be able to find it on this main FAQ page.
After looking at the statistics of how users browse our site we have now focused on the most used services as priority, many hundreds of information pages on our site that were accessed rarely or sometimes not at all have now been removed to de-clutter and make our site easier to use.

However we still accept that some information is desirable to help our users better understand aspects of how Carlisle City Council services work, so we provide FAQ lists on most our section landing pages.
All FAQs including any FAQ that does not fit in any of our our site sections are accessible here in the master FAQ page.

Master FAQ ( select a category or search for answers )

Other types of pests

Other types of pests


For problems with Swarms of bees contact a local beekeeper

Beekeeper Landline Mobile
Mr Harold Bowron 01228 575010 07806 485377
Mr Pickering 01228545739 07913 881060
Mr Hodgson   07515 624987
Mr Greaves 016974 73452  
Mr Brian McAmish 01228 577480 07834 625715


Please contact The Bat Conservation Trust 0845 1300228.


Contact an accredited mole catcher.


Download our leaflet Gulls - Advice and Guidance for Businesses.

Who can I contact?

Before undertaking any action, except proofing outside of the nesting season, we recommend you seek expert advice on current legislation from Natural England, Tel: 0300 060 6000



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This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically