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Saturday , September , 07 2024
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Dog fouling

We have teams who patrol the streets and parks, educate people about responsible dog ownership and, if required, enforce the law. It is a criminal offence not to clean up after your dog and you can be fined up to £1,000.

The Law says that the person responsible for the dog has a duty to clean up after their dog even if the were not with it or did not see it foul.

Where dogs foul on someone else’s garden, they are usually not with the owner. If you see a dog without its owner, please notify the dog warden. If the dog is with the owner but not on lead, please notify the Neighbourhood Enforcement team.

Dog Control Orders allow our enforcement officers to make sure dogs are kept under proper supervision.

Fixed penalties can be issued to dog owners who don't obey the law. It is an offence to

  • allow Dog Fouling or fail to remove dog faeces;
  • allow Stray/Roaming Dogs or have a dog off the lead within the Carlisle district (except in parks and open spaces);
  • not put and keep a dog on a lead when directed to by a City Council enforcement officer.

We cannot take any action against owners of cats that foul your garden.

Responsible Dog owners should:

  • Carry items to remove dog faeces  (Poop Scoop, Plastic Shovel, Bags)
  • Always place removed dog faeces in the bins provided (or take it home if the bin is full or not present) It is an offence to leave bagged waste on the ground or in the hedge.
  • Keep their dogs under supervison at all times when in public spaces

Report Dog Fouling Online

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