Wednesday , April , 24 2024
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Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets every four weeks to consider the Schedule of Applications and other Reports.

Forthcoming Meetings

24th April 2024 - Civic Centre, Carlisle

Under Section 70(2) of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, all planning applications have to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan (the Development Plan for Carlisle is the Carlisle District Local Plan 2015-2030 and other policies) unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

An Officer Report to assist the Committee in determining the application accompanies all the applications that are considered by the Planning Committee. The Report identifies the relevant development plan policies, supplementary planning documents, other planning policy guidance issued by the Government, describes the proposal and planning history of the site, summarises consultations, objections and representations and makes a recommendation based on planning policy and other material planning conditions.

The Planning Committee may approve, refuse or defer consideration of the application for further information or a site visit.

If you would like to view electronic versions of Committee Reports including officer's reports, they are available by following the  link 'Planning Committee Schedule Reports and Minutes' on this page. The Planning Schedule and Agenda will be available by midday 8 days before the meeting. The Planning Minutes and Decision Schedule will be available after the meeting.

Speaking at Planning Committee

How do I register my interest in speaking?

You will need to contact Planning Services, Please e-mail [email protected] or phone (01228) 817482 or 817112 after the Committee schedule is published (8 days before Committee) but no later than 12noon on the Monday prior to Committee.

You cannot register an interest ahead of the Committee schedule being published.

When you contact us please be prepared to give:

  • your name, postal and/or e-mail address and daytime telephone number
  • the application number and proposed development to which it refers
  • whether you are a supporter or an objector
  • whether you represent anyone else
  • details of any special access arrangements you may require.

  FAQ - Planning Committee

Can I speak on more than one occasion?

You may speak about more than one item on the agenda, providing you have made written representations and register to do so in respect of each item before the report is published. If an application is deferred, you will be given the opportunity to either speak then, or defer your right to speak until the next meeting when the application will be heard. You cannot speak more than once on the same application.

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