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Tuesday , February , 11 2025
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Advice on Staging a Temporary Event.

If you are staging a small event where less than 500 people are likely to attend, you may need to apply for a Temporary Event Notice.

This notice will be essential if your event is providing licensable activities i.e. regulated entertainment, sale of alcohol, or hot food or drink for sale (between 23:00 and 05:00 often referred to as ‘late night refreshment’). Please refer to our Guidance notes (GD03) that explains ‘regulated entertainment’

Someone who holds a personal licence will be able to hold up to 50 temporary events a year at premises that are not licensed. Non-personal licence holders will be able to hold up to 5 temporary events a year. A Temporary Event Notice must be given to the council at least 10 clear working days before an event of this sort can be held, and the police and Environmental Health may object to it under the four licensing objectives.

The legislation now allows a limited number of 'late' notices to be served giving between 5 and 9 clear days notice. A personal licence holder may serve up to 10 late notices and a non-personal licence holder up to 2.

The legislation does not allow any discretion to accept the notice with less than 5 clear working days notice.

Individual premises may only hold 15 temporary events per year and the total number of days must be no more than 21.

  Temporary Events FAQ

Late TEN application

The rules for submitting TENs have been changed to allow us to accept TENs sent later than ten clear working days before the event.  We can accept a late TEN provided that you send it to us, the Police and Environmental Health no later than five clear working days before the event.  However if either the Police or Environmental Health object, the event will not be permitted and there is no hearing or appeal process.

There are limits on the number of late TENs you can submit.  Anyone over the age of 18 can submit two late TENs in a calendar year.  Personal licence holders can submit 10 late TENs per calendar year.

Although the rules have changed, we still recommend you submit your TEN in plenty of time.  Please contact us if you are unsure of the deadline for your event.

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