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Carlisle Market Square and the Greenmarket

Public consultation: Friday 25 November - Friday 9 December 2022

We need your help to help prepare a vision for Carlisle Market Square and the Greenmarket.

Carlisle City Council and Cumbria County Council are working to prepare a vision for Market Square and the Greenmarket.

The project aims to deliver a re-imagined public square with improved infrastructure that puts people first, prioritising pedestrian movement and encouraging residents, workers and visitors to stay longer in the city centre.

The funding for this project is provided by the Government’s Future High Streets Fund - £2.7m is available to deliver the scheme with the aim to implement works by March 2024.

The new space will support the diversification of the retail core facilitating events and bringing new leisure and cultural uses to the heart of Carlisle.

We are now holding our second consultation with the public and local stakeholders in a series of public engagement events to feedback on what you said and gain further input on the proposals developed so far.

The consultation asks for your views on the concept designs developed to identify the features that are most important to the public and inform our final design. This is your opportunity to have a say in the future of Market Square and the Greenmarket.

The concepts presented can be used to identify features that are preferred to be included in the final design. 


Have your say and get involved

Public consultation material will be available throughout the consultation at the Carlisle Tourist Information Centre (Old Town Hall). You can also view the concepts online.

Staff will be on hand to answer any question on the following days and times:

  • Friday 25 November: 12pm - 3pm.
  • Saturday 26 November: 11am - 2pm.
  • Thursday 1 December: 3pm - 6pm.
  • Friday 2 December: 12pm - 3pm.
  • Thursday 8 December: 3pm - 6pm.

Fill in our online survey or drop off a paper questionnaire at the Old Town Hall Tourist Information Centre.


Please respond before 5pm on Friday 9 December 2022.

Want to find out more? Email [email protected]

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