The Economic Review of Carlisle established that Carlisle needs to grow and identified a clear need to raise the profile of the District.
The Carlisle Story provides a vision for Carlisle as a regional capital. It recognises the benefits of Carlisle (the Place), and provides a cohesive narrative for us all to use to promote ourselves by promoting the Place.
The challenge for us all is to get Carlisle firmly placed on the map – ensuring that investors, customers and suppliers know Carlisle. Businesses from sole traders to multinationals are key stakeholders in our economy and can all benefit by being involved in the development and implementation of this shared vision. Carlisle is everyone’s business. For more information or to use the Carlisle Story branding, click here.
Carlisle Ambassadors are people who have connections with Carlisle, an interest in the city and who support this Cumbrian centre of business, tourism and culture. It is for individuals, businesses and organisations who want to make it an even better place to live, work, invest and visit. It is for those who want to benefit from a strong and influential network, and who may be interested in collaborating on projects to make a difference.
Find out more about Carlisle Ambassadors and this ever growing network here.