You are Here : Residents  >  Car Parking  >  New Ways to Park
Wednesday , February , 12 2025
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A range of parking incentives have been introduced in Carlisle.

We are piloting a new ‘check in, check out’ payment option in one of our city centre car parks and have extended our ‘early bird’ offer.

Check-in, check-out:

The new scheme is being piloted in West Walls car park and provides customers with the ability to pay for parking per minute by using a debit/credit card on arrival to ‘check-in’ and again on departure, to ‘check out’. The system will then automatically charge for the time used, per minute. The new initiative provides more flexibility for customers who may want to stay longer in the city centre without the need to rush back when their parking ticket expires.

Extension of car parking early bird offers:

Early bird parking offers currently provide reduced parking charges for those arriving before 9.30am and parking all day in the following Carlisle City Council car parks: Viaduct, The Sands and Swifts, Monday - Friday.

The early bird offer has been extended to 10.30am. This takes into account the change in people’s travel patterns and will allow greater flexibility for businesses to offer staggered start times for staff to support social distancing requirements.

The schemes started in September 2020.

When using Carlisle City Council car parks, customers are advised to follow social distancing guidance and if possible, pay by card or contactless rather than use cash and park in alternate bays. The majority of council car parks provide contactless payment options including credit/debit card, mobile phone using MiPermit, Apple Pay and Android Pay.

The MiPermit scheme has no hidden costs and is an easy and flexible way to make a cashless payment.

There are a number of ways to use the MiPermit scheme. Customers can call or text, but the easiest way is to use the APP, simply download MIPERMIT onto your smartphone and on arrival at the car park, use your app select your stay and pay. Customers can even extend their stay if out shopping so no need to rush back.

This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically