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Job application guidance

Why is it important to complete the application form correctly?

The information on the application form is used to decide whether we should invite you for an interview.

How can I make sure that I fill it in correctly?

First of all, read through all the information supplied to you with the application form. You should pay particular attention to the Job Description, which outlines the duties of the post, and the Person Specification, which states the skills, experience and qualifications that are required to be able to do the job.

The Job Description does not include all tasks which may be undertaken by the post holder, but gives an outline of the main duties which are currently undertaken.

The Person Specification details the skills qualifications and experience necessary for the job either as “essential” or “desirable”. If you do not have all the essential qualities stated, it is unlikely that you will be selected for interview.

Please do not send in a C.V instead of your application. This is because the application form is designed so that information can be compared on a like for like basis. In addition, C.V’s are unlikely to address the demands of a particular post.

Please return your completed application form via email to: [email protected]

Or by post to.

HR & Payroll Department
9th Floor
Carlisle City Council
Civic Centre

If you have any queries regarding this please contact a member of the HR & Payroll Team by email to [email protected]

  Jobs guidance - FAQ

What are the different sections for?

Post applied for - Please give the post title and reference number.

Personal Details - This is the information that we will need in order to contact you.

References - Your first referee should be your present employer, or if you are not employed at present, your last employer. Your second referee may be a previous employer or someone who has knowledge of your skills and can comment on your ability to do the job for which you are applying. Remember to complete the section which indicates whether or not we can take up references before interview. If you do not fill this in, we will assume that we can approach your referees at this stage.

Education and Training - Give details of all education, training and qualifications undertaken from secondary school onwards.

Membership of Professional Bodies - Give details of any professional bodies of which you are a member, including the membership grade and renewal date.

Interests / Leisure Activities - Your hobbies and interests are a reflection of your personality and will show what actually motivates you. Being the captain of a local football team may be relevant in proving leadership qualities, while voluntary work for local charities or national associations could indicate good people skills.

Rehabilitation of Offenders - You are expected to complete this section if you have been convicted of a criminal offence other than those which are “spent” under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. For some posts we will also require a satisfactory police check once an offer of employment has been made. All Information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Relationships - Give details of any Councillor or Officer of this Council that you are related to. This means parent, godparent, partner, child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece. You should also tell us if you are related to the partner of a Councillor or Council Officer. Approaching Councillors or Senior Officers to look favourably on your application will lead to disqualification.

Present Employment - Give details about your present or most recent job. If you are a school leaver, or still in education, please ignore this section.

Previous Employment - Give details of your other jobs in date order from the most recent and listing all work since leaving school/college. You should explain any gaps in your employment history and continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Reasons for Applying - Why are you applying for this particular job? And, crucially, how will employing you benefit the authority?

Relevant Experience / Skills - In this section you will need to explain why you think you can do the job. You should demonstrate how you meet the Person Specification by describing any work, experience or training you have had. This could be paid work, voluntary work or work done at home. Please note that if you do not demonstrate that you can meet all the essential criteria, you are unlikely to be interviewed, so make sure you do this on the form.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring - We are committed to working towards equal opportunities for all and has employment policies in support of this. In order to make sure that these policies are effective and discrimination does not occur, we need to collect the information asked for on the Diversity Form. This information will be separated from your application form and not passed to the selection panel.

Applicants with a Disability - Applicants with a disability who demonstrate that they meet the essential criteria for a job will be guaranteed an interview.

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