Why volunteer?
People may choose to volunteer for a variety of different reasons and volunteering can greatly benefit an individual and a community. Volunteering provides an opportunity to:
•give something back to an organisation which may have helped you or someone close to you
•make a difference to the lives of others
•help the environment
•help others less fortunate or without a voice
•feel valued and part of a team
•spend quality time away from work or a busy lifestyle
•gain confidence and self-esteem.
Volunteering can be a route to employment, or a chance to try something new which may lead to a career change. Volunteering can be a way of:
•gaining new skills, knowledge and experience
•developing existing skills and knowledge
•enhancing a CV
•improving one's employment prospects
•gaining an accreditation
•using one's professional skills and knowledge to benefit others.
Volunteering also appeals because of its social benefits, which include:
•meeting new people and making new friends
•a chance to socialise
•getting to know the local community.
There are opportunities to volunteer with Carlisle City Council in a variety of different roles which benefit our local communities and environment.
Carlisle Green Space Volunteers
The Carlisle Green Space Volunteers are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who meet up on Wednesdays to carry out practical tasks in the parks, green spaces and allotments around the city of Carlisle.
The team plays an important role in the looking after Carlisle’s parks and green spaces, carrying out tasks such as painting, site furntture refurbishment, hay meadow management, litter picking, coppicing, footpath management, pond management and boardwalk construction. It is a great chance get to meet new people, learn new skills and contribute towards the maintenance and wildlife conservation of Carlisle.
Carlisle City Council will provide you with all the tools and equipment you will need on the day and even teas and coffees! (currently not providing drinks due to COVID-19) We just ask that you bring you own waterproof gear, steel toe cap boots or wellies, a packed lunch and plenty of enthusiasm.
For more information please email [email protected] or contact the Green Spaces Team on 01228 817 200, or download the volunteer application form below.
Please see the programme for 2021 at the bottom of this page.
Wellness Walk and Tuesday Trundles Walk leaders
Do you enjoy walking in our beautiful local area? Would you like to share your passion for walking with others and encourage others to become more active?
If so becoming a walk leader is for you. Opportunities to volunteer as a walk leader with Carlisle City Council are available both through our Wellness Walks and Tuesday Trundles.
As a volunteer walk leader you will:
•Help people in your community to get active and healthy
•Get to know others and become part of a community of walkers and volunteers
•Receive specialist training as part of a nationally recognised and well-respected programme.
•Help to organise and risk assess walk routes across our beautiful district.
For more information please email [email protected] or contact the Healthy City Team on 01228 817200.
Further opportunities to volunteer with Carlisle City Council can be found in Our Volunteers
Further information about volunteering and current volunteering vacancies can be found on Cumbria CVS website