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A Local List of Heritage Assets for Carlisle District

Carlisle Area has over 1,500 listed buildings, however, there are many other heritage assets of architectural, historic or archaeological interest throughout the District that do not meet the strict criteria for national designation. These buildings do however make a significant, local contribution to the historic environment and sense of place.

The Council recognises the valuable contribution that these assets make to the historic environment.  Cumbrian Local Authorities received a joint grant circa £70,000 from Historic England in 2021 to assist in the development of a ‘local list’. These would be heritage assets that were not of sufficient national interest to make it on Historic England’s national list of listed buildings, but which might otherwise be of local significance.  The concept of ‘local heritage assets’ is referred to in the National Planning Policy Framework, and also in Carlisle Local Plan Policy HE6, so is a well-established concept. A Local List will help to highlight those places which local communities feel to be worthy of preserving when it comes to drawing up Neighbourhood Plans or when planning applications for specific sites are being considered.

If you would like to nominate a building for the Local List, which will be considered by the Local List Review Panel, please click on the link below to enter your nomination, any queries please contact our Urban Design & Conservation Officer on 01228 817077 alternatively email - [email protected].


The Local List Panel

Once entries are submitted they are briefly sifted by an officer steering group to ensure that enough information is included and that the submission meets the basic criteria (e.g. that the building is not already a listed building) for consideration as a local list nominee. The submissions are assessed periodically by a Cumbria-wide panel comprising elected members – generally the ‘Heritage Champion’ from each Local Authority, and representatives from regional amenity societies. The panel’s recommendation is then made, with an opportunity for public advertisement of the draft list, and an opportunity for public comment, prior to adoption of the list.

The List

Buildings that have been recommended for inclusion, and have been ratified by the panel, will be available to view on the Local List. The List will be reviewed at least once per year, and possibly more often depending on the number of nominations received. The Local List will be available to view on this page once it is ready. The List will be a living document, and will be updated periodically.  


What protection is given to assets a Local List?

Inclusion on the Local List does not bring about any additional form of statutory protection to the asset or remove any permitted development rights.  It can, however, help to influence the consideration of any planning application that may affect the significance of that heritage asset, as the local list will be a material consideration in all planning decisions. 

Under the current National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021), the following policy will be relevant in all planning decisions:

The effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application.  In weighing applications that affect directly or indirectly non designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required having regards to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset’ – Para. 135, National Planning Policy Framework, 2012

“The effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications that directly or indirectly affect non-designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset”. Para 203 National Planning Policy Framework, 2021.

It is hoped that inclusion on the Local List will give a sense of pride to owners and encourage them to manage their buildings sympathetically. However, owners can challenge the inclusion of a building on the basis of the adopted criteria and request its removal from the list.

 Contact Details

  01228 817077

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