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Corporate Complaints Policy

Not satisfied with our service? Then tell us!

Cumberland Council aims to serve its customers as effectively and courteously as possible. However, even the best service sometimes goes wrong - and if it does we want to know about it.

We welcome your complaint because it gives us the chance to put things right and improve services. The following information is provided to help you tell us when something is wrong and to explain what we will do to rectify the issue.
We aim to respond to complaints within 20 working days. For complex complaints, this may take longer but we will inform you of any amended timescales. You will be sent an acknowledgement of the receipt of your complaint within 3 working days.
Please could you also take the time to fill out our Equality monitoring form.

Your complaint: Please provide details of your complaint

Enter the code shown above in the box below.

FAQ - Corporate Complaints
1. How do I contact the Council about a complaint?

If your complaint relates to a council service issue we ask that you contact the relevant department in the first instance as this will give them an opportunity to resolve your issue as quickly as possible. 

To report a missed refuse or recycling collection please use our online form

Complaints are to be recieved in writing using the follwoing methods:

Online Claim Form

You can submit your complaint by post or by dropping a letter into our contact centre, addressed to Complaints, Cumberland Council, Civic Centre, Carlisle, CA3 8QG

If you need assistance submitting a complaint please visit our contact centre and speak with one of our Customer Services Advisors. The contact centre is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm.

2. Data Protection
  • In order to investigate your complaint the information you provide, including your personal details, may need to be divulged to Council staff and to City Councillors.
  • Details of complaints received and our findings, without publishing names or other personal details, are reported to Council and are available to the public.
  • Should you refer your complaint to any other organisation such as the Local Government Ombudsman then information may be provided to them on request.
3. How do I complain about a councillor

Please click here for details of how to complain about the conduct of a councillor.

4. How do I make a formal complaint

Online Claim Form

You can submit your complaint by post or by dropping a letter into our contact centre, addressed to Complaints, Cumberland Council, Civic Centre, Carlisle, CA3 8QG

If you need assistance submitting a complaint please visit our contact centre and speak with one of our Customer Services Advisors. The contact centre is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm.

Further copies of this leaflet are available in normal, large print and audio tape from the civic centre and other City Council Buildings.

5. Local Government Ombudsman

If your complaint has progressed through our complaints procedure, and you are still not happy with our response, you can ask the Local Government Ombudsman to review our investigation.

The Local Government Ombudsman is an independent body, whose purpose is to provide impartial and prompt investigation and resolution of complaints of injustice through maladministration by local authorities.

Note: The Ombudsman is unlikely to investigate your complaint unless you have given us the opportunity to consider your complaint under our procedures.

The Ombudsman can be contacted at:

Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH

By Submitting an Online Form

Advice Line: 0300 061 0614

6. What happens next?

All complaints are received and recorded by the Corporate Complaints Team. You will be sent an acknowledgement within five working days. Your complaint will be investigated by a manager of the service concerned and a response will be issued to you within 15 working days. (Please note the Data Protection Statement below.)

7. What if I am still not satisfied?

The Ombudsman can be contacted at:

Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH

By Submitting an Online Form

Advice Line: 0300 061 0614

8. When should I complain?
  • When we have failed to do something we should have done
  • When we have agreed to do something but haven't
  • When we have given a poor service
  • When we have treated you unfairly or discourteously

This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically