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Auctioneers and Auctions

Some local authorities require premises used for public auctions to be registered unless the auction is a one day charity event. Carlisle City Council does not licence auction premises.

If you are an auctioneer, you must apply for a licence. 

Before each auction you must visibly and legibly display your full name and address in a conspicuous part of the place where the auction is held.

The licensing of auctioneers by Carlisle City Council is as a result of the Carlisle Improvements Act 1873 and the Diseases of Animals Act 1981. Auctioneers licences are only required by those auctioneers who sell and expose and offer for sale, in, at and on the Auction Mart and premises used by them:

  • Horses
  • Asses
  • Mules
  • Cattle
  • Sheep
  • Goats and Swine

and also

  • Carcases
  • Hides
  • Skins
  • Hay
  • Straw or Fodder

Please contact us for further details about how to apply


Some local authorities require premises used for public auctions to be registered unless the auction is a one day charity event. Carlisle City Council does not licence auction premises.

If you are an auctioneer, you must get a licence from us.

Before each auction you must visibly and legibly display your full name and address in a conspicuous part of the place where the auction is held.

We have a duty to keep public registers for various licences, permits, authorisations and registrations which we administer. You can search the register of auctioneers online.

 Contact Details

  01228 817523

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