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Taxi and Private Hire

Taxis (Hackney Carriages) and Private Hire Vehicles are licensed to ensure that they are suitable and safe for you to travel in.

The plate on the rear of the vehicle identifies the type of licence it holds. The plates clearly state the licence type, licence number along with the registration, description, date of licence expiry and maximum number of passengers.

hc plate

private hire plate

The laws covering Hackney Carriages and Private Hire vehicles are quite different. In brief, a Hackney can:

  • stand on a rank
  • be flagged down in the street
  • be booked through a licensed operator.

A Private Hire vehicle can only accept pre-booked calls.

If a Private Hire driver picks up from a rank or from being flagged down, not only are they committing an offence, but their insurance may be also be invalid.

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

We maintain a designated list of wheelchair accessible taxis and private hire vehicles that we licence (see Downloadable Documents). The list contains details of the vehicle and contact numbers, where available, and is provided for the purposes of Section 165 of the Equality Act 2010. 

Whilst we cannot guarantee the availability of the listed vehicles at any given time, we hope that providing this list will help those in need of such a vehicle to book one more easily.

Taxi Rank provision

Taxi ranks are provided on-street for use by hackney carriages and not by private hire vehicles. They are provided where a demand has been identified, such as near railway and bus stations or in areas with numerous entertainment or leisure venues.

Ranks can operate full time or during restricted hours at times of heightened demand. They are normally located so that passengers can board or alight from the taxi onto a footway on the nearside of the vehicle.

Private hire vehicles may not pick up passengers from Taxi Ranks. Not only is this an offence, but they may not be insured either.

  Licensing - Taxis and Private Hire - FAQ

Private Hire Vehicle Drivers Licence

Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) drivers are licensed by us for your safety.

Once granted a licence, PHV drivers are issued with a badge showing their photograph, identity number and expiry date of the licence.

To get a licence a driver must first:

  • Have held a full driving licence for at least 12 months
  • Have their driving licence verified by the DVLA
  • Have a "DVLA Group 2" medical examination
  • Take a verbal test consisting of the conditions of their licence, basic maths and describe popular routes
  • Attend a Disability Awareness course
  • Pass a Driving Standards Agency taxi driving test.
  • Get an enhanced DBS disclosure of convictions (Carlisle City Council will adhere to the Home Office Code of Practice)
  • Fill in an application form (below) and return with the appropriate fee

Note: If the driver wishes to drive a wheelchair accessible taxi, they must also pass the wheelchair element of the taxi driving test.

If you are interested in applying for a PHV driving licence, please make an appointment to see a licensing officer who will talk to you about your application.

Carlisle City Council sets the licence fees for licences, permits and registrations to cover administration, inspection and enforcement costs.

The charges are included in our Table of fees.

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