The Solway, Border & Eden LEADER Programme is OPEN to PRIORITY 2 Applications 18 December 2019 18 December 2019 0 3260 The Solway, Border & Eden LEADER Programme is OPEN to PRIORITY 2 Applications Priority 2 - Support for Small & Micro Enterprises and Farm Diversification - OPEN Priority 2 - Support for Small & Micro Enterprises and Farm Diversification - OPEN Funds under this priority will be used to provide grants for developing or starting rural micro and small businesses and farm diversification. Applications are sought from projects which support: The growth of micro and small rural enterprises (non-agricultural); New business start-ups with capital purchases; Improvements in productivity and efficiency of micro and small enterprises; Community and social enterprise start up and expansion particularly to provide rural services. Support new diversification activity which does not displace other businesses and business activity in the area; Expand existing farm diversification projects which have significant outputs; Contribute to significant cost savings and income generation to the farm business through the introduction of renewable technology; Create links between the farm and the wider local economy; Retain young people/new entrants in farming by increasing farm income levels to improve its sustainability. Applicants must demonstrate how the project will provide economic growth and job creation opportunities. For every £30,000 of grant, applicants must be able to create at least 1 new full-time equivalent sustainable job. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU READ THE CALL FOR PROJECTS DOCUMENTS WHICH PROVIDES FURTHER INFORMATION AND DEADLINES