07 December 2016 / Categories: News Farm Productivity Call for Projects Launched! Are you involved in processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products? A new funding opportunity may be available for you! Cumbria Fells & Dales LEADER The Cumbria Fells and Dales LEADER Programme is seeking applications for investments which support the processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products. This call invites Outline Applications which support the delivery of Programme 2 (Growing specific rural sectors) of the Cumbria Fells and Dales Local Development Strategy. Further information about the Farm Productivity call and other open calls for projects can be found on the CFD website: http://www.fellsanddales.org.uk/calls-for-projects.html Details of how to apply can be found here: http://www.fellsanddales.org.uk/how-to-apply.html Solway, Border & Eden LEADER The Solway, Border and Eden LEADER Programme is seeking applications for investments which support the processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products. This call invites Outline Applications which support the delivery of Programme B (Improving the economic performance, resilience and competitiveness of the farming and forestry sectors) of the Solway, Border and Eden Local Development Strategy. Further information about the Farm Productivity call and other open calls for projects can be found on the SBE website: http://www.sbeleader.org.uk/calls-for-projects.html Details of how to apply can be found here: http://www.sbeleader.org.uk/how-to-apply.html Previous Article Join WHIS at Carlisle Infirmary this weekend for a collaborative maternity event open to all! Next Article Are you a food and drink producer? Exhibit at this year's Local Food Show! Print 2796 Rate this article: No rating Please login or register to post comments.