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Risk Management

Risk Management is the process of identifying and controlling the Council's exposure to risks, which may have an impact on the Council achieving its objectives.

It is an essential part of way the Council conducts its business.

The Management of Risk ensures that the Council minimises its exposure to avoidable risks and maximises its opportunities by taking risks in an informed and controlled manner.

If organisations do not take risk then nothing changes so a structured approach to risk is critical to progress and effective management.

How does Carlisle City Council Manage its Risks?

The Council is strongly committed to the benefits of a sound and positive approach to Risk Management. It believes that by identifying and actively managing risks it can make better, informed decisions and reduce and control the potential consequences of risks more effectively. This is described in more detail in the Council's Risk Management Policy.

Carlisle City Council Corporate Risk Register

As part of the way the Council identifies and manages its biggest risks it has drawn up a Corporate Risk Register.

The Corporate Risk Register is updated on a quarterly basis.

This register contains those risks, which are considered to have the biggest potential impact on the Council and its priority objectives and activities.

Each of these risks is scored in terms of impact and likelihood, and actions, which will reduce the impact, are identified.

The Register is reported twice yearly to an overview and scrutiny panel who monitor these risks for the Council.

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