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Town Twinning

Carlisle is twinned with Flensburg in northern Germany and Slupsk in Poland, with each city enjoying the benefits of cross-cultural links through music concerts, sports events and school exchanges.

Flensburg is in northern Germany, on the border with Denmark and close to the sea. Like Carlisle, the city was subject to protracted border disputes. Founded by Danes in the 12th century, the city became part of Germany in 1864, and today proudly displays evidence of both cultures. With their similar geographical and historical backgrounds, Carlisle and Flensburg were ideal partners for twinning - an event made official on 29th June 1961.

Slupsk is a city in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, in the northern part of Poland. Before 1 January 1999 it was the capital of the separate Slupsk Voivodeship. It is also part of the historic region of Pomerania. Slupsk shares many similarities with Carlisle, being a northern city with a historical old town, a rich heritage and enjoying a mix of cultural influences.

The city is located in the northwestern part of present-day Poland, near the Baltic Sea on the Slupia River.

Carlisle and Slupsk were formally twinned on 3 April 1987.

A ground breaking and historic three way link between Carlisle, Flensburg and Slupsk was agreed on 29 June 1988 and the first three-way English- German-Polish link in Europe.

Every 2 years a delegation from the Local Authorities of each of the three twin towns of Carlisle, Flensburg and Slupsk come together in one of the aforesaid three towns.

In 2016 the Three Way Delegation took place in Carlisle on 2 - 5 August 2016.

The main topic for the exchange was Education and climate issues, this tied in with the youth exchange which took place in Carlisle at the same time as the civic exchange.

The programme for the exchange included a tour of the new Harraby Campus and Carlisle College.

Each year the Three Way Delegation hold an official meeting to discuss how co-operation between the three Cities can be strengthened and how the three authorities could improve their links and working relationship.  The main discussions at the meeting centred around education co-operation and the opportunities that were available for all three cities to work together on projects regarding climate change and relevant issues.

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