You are Here : Flooding
Wednesday , February , 12 2025
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Get prepared for flooding

  • Contact your local Flood Action Group
  • Sign up for flood warnings - call Floodline on 0345 988 1188
  • For flood alerts and warnings go to the Flood Warnings for England website.
  • Make your home more resilient to flooding - advice is available on the Government's Flooding and Extreme Weather website.
  • Put together a personal flood plan for you and your family. A downloadable document is available on this page. The personal flood plan includes a list of things you should do like moving sentimental items to safety.  It provides space for you to note down important contact details such as your utility companies and insurance.
  • Sign up to Cumbria Community Messaging to receive free weather and flood information.
  • In the event of a flood or other major incident, listen for updates on BBC Radio Cumbria and follow Cumbria Police, Cumbria County Council and Environment Agency North West on Twitter.
Flooding Support

Get Winter Ready

Information on how to be winter ready is now available. This gives advice on general flooding, winter driving and how to be prepared for emergencies.

Support is also available from ACTion with Communities in Cumbria (ACT). They are encouraging households across the county to consider how to be better prepared in the event of an emergency and have produced a simple Household Emergency Plan leaflet to help.

Families and households can better cope with emergencies by preparing in advance and working together as a team. The leaflet suggests practical action you can take at home, including: having a plan; what to put in an emergency ‘grab bag’; how to stay informed; and responding to an incident.

The Household Emergency Plan leaflet is available online at Cumbria Action or for free copies to distribute in your community, or for more information, please contact ACT on 01228 817224 or email [email protected]

The Cumbria Strategic Flood Partnership includes the Environment Agency, Cumbria County Council, Carlisle City Council (and other district councils), United Utilities and a wide range of representatives from other organisations and community groups. Alongside recovery work, communities and organisations came together to produce the Cumbria Flood Action Plan. This aims to make Cumbria better prepared to manage flood risk for the future. The Flood Hub gives more information on the regional approach to managing flood and coastal risk. 

Carlisle Flood Plan

We have also produced a Carlisle Flood Plan, in partnership with Cumbria County Council and the Environment Agency. This sets out what actions we will take in the event of a flood. A copy of the plan is available as a downloadable document.

How you can get involved

  • Individuals and communities are encouraged to help shape and deliver the Cumbria Flood Action Plan. If you are keen to get involved, the Environment Agency can direct you to your local flood action group. Email them at [email protected]
  • There are a number of tools on Cumbria Action to help communities produce Community Emergency Plans.
  • If you would like further advice or support on forming a community group and developing a flood plan you can contact the Environment Agency at [email protected]   

Electricity North West logo

Electricity North West owns, operates and maintains the North West’s electricity network. Occasionally planned and unplanned power cuts do happen and for many customers, being without power can cause extra difficulties that might affect their daily needs. By signing up to their Priority Services Register they can provide extra support to ensure you’re safe and comfortable until the power is back on.

This is a FREE service and some of the benefits include:

  • Receive proactive updates on power cuts in your area.
  • Nominate a friend or family member to be contacted in the event of a power cut in your area.
  • They can provide practical items such as warm blankets or a torch to help prepare for a power cut.
  • Text message weather alerts.

They also offer free energy saving advice to help reduce bills, keep your home warmer and minimise the impact on the environment to Priority Services Registered customers. 

Flood Re

Flood Re is designed to ensure affordable flood insurance is available for those homes at the highest risk of flooding. Flood Re increases the availability and choice for home owners, making it easier to shop around to get the best deal. 

This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically