Registers of electors
Hard copy available for inspection.
The full register is available for inspection under supervision at Customer Services in the Civic Centre, Carlisle, during normal office hours (Monday to Thursday - 9.00am to 5.00pm; Friday - 9.00am to 4.00pm). The edited register can also be inspected at the County Library in the Lanes, Carlisle. The Register of Electors is not on the internet.
CMIS Website
Hackney Carriage driver register
Hackney Carriage register
Send your request by email to: [email protected] for an up to date register
Statutory Notice Register
Private hire driver register
Scrap metal dealer site licence search (under general)
Vacant Commercial Premises Register
we maintain a log of requests completed under the Freedom of Information Act.
Disclosure log
Hard copy
10p per page (no charge for postage)
plus £3.00 postage