You are Here : Residents  >  Environmental Problems  >  Fly Tipping
Tuesday , February , 11 2025
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Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste- from bin bags of household rubbish to construction waste left in an open space without consent of the landowner.

If you own land where fly tipping has occurred, it is up to you to clear away the items and dispose of the waste in the correct way.

You can report problems with fly-tipping by contacting Neighbourhood Services either by using the contact details option on this page. Give as much information as possible to enable the City Council to find the fly-tipping easily. Fly-tipping will be investigated within 5 working days of it being reported.

You can also report fly-tipping using our  ONLINE FORM or by contacting the Customer Contact Centre on 01228 817200 with the exact details of where it occurred, what you saw and the vehicle registration (if appropriate). Your details will remain confidential.

Where appropriate, we will investigate fly tipping offences to take enforcement action against those responsible. A successful prosecution can result in a fine at a Magistrates Court of up to £50,000 and/or six months imprisonment.

Please read our Fly Tipping Leaflet for further information.


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