Gypsy and Traveller sites
Unauthorised Encampments
Everyone has rights, including Gypsies, Travellers and people on whose land unauthorised camping takes place.
Gypsies and Travellers are protected from discrimination by the Race Relations Act 1976, together with all ethnic groups who have a particular culture, language and values, including white and black people.
Local authorities in Cumbria have joined together to produce a Joint agency protocol for responding to unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments.
Members of the public wishing to report an unauthorised encampment can do so by contacting Carlisle City Council 01228 817200 or by emailing, [email protected]
Out of office hours encampments should be reported to Cumbria Constabulary on 101 for non emergencies and 999 in an emergency.
Gypsy Sites & Homelessness
There is currently three licensed Gypsy sites in Carlisle City Council's area.
These are:
- Low Harker Dene, Low Harker, Carlisle. The site is privately owned and entry to this site is through the site licence, UK Parks Ltd, registered office address: 166 College Road, Harrow, HA1 1RA.
- Hadrians Camp, Brampton Old Road, Carlisle. The site is privately owned and entry to this site is via contact with the site owner: Mr Bowman, Hadrian's Camp - 01228 818578.
- Ghyll Bank House, Low Harker, Carlisle. The site is privately owned and entry to this site is via contact with the owner: Mr I. Stewart
Education Services
These are provided by the County Council, the telephone number for Education Support is 01228 601183.