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Homeless Prevention & Rough Sleeper Strategy 2021- 2026

 A comprehensive review of homelessness and rough sleeping in Carlisle has been undertaken and the findings have formed the new priorities, objectives and actions for 2021-26; building on the achievements of the previous strategy.

We are committed to working with those who are affected by homelessness or the threat of homelessness; and in ending rough sleeping in Carlisle.

Early intervention and effective prevention remain our major priority; as is ensuring a sufficient supply and a variety of housing options and flexible support to ensure that the wider factors of poverty, disadvantage, unemployment and poor health are also addressed and coordinated to ensure effective tenancy sustainment.

The new strategy, endorsed by Carlisle City Council on 02 March 2021, sets out a framework to inform work plans, emgagement with local communitites and the citywide response to homelessness and rough sleeping.

The Strategy, Action Plan and supporting documents are available to download from the documents section.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of Carlisle's Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 - 2026 is to:

Work in partnership to deliver innovative and accessible services to; end rough sleeping, prevent and reduce homelessness, and support homeless households in finding affordable and sustainable housing solutions.

To achieve this, the Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy has six strategic objectives:

Objective 1: Reduction of multiple exclusion homelessness and rough sleeping.
Objective 2: Prioritising early intervention and prevention of homelessness.
Objective 3: Promoting safeguarding and harm minimisation.
Objective 4: Increasing access to flexible move on accommodation and support options available for people experiencing homelessness.
Objective 5: Improve experiences and opportunities for young people and children experiencing homelessness.
Objective 6: Increase key partnerships to respond effectively to local emergency situations.

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