Are you a home owner?
UPDATE: due to budgetary constraints for this financial year applications are being prioritised in terms of greatest need. Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and your options will be discussed with you before proceeding. It is recommended that you
contact the Homelife team on 01228 817111 or
[email protected]
to discuss matters before you apply. Applications for support with heating are
still encouraged as we may be able to provide support with another type of
Homelife Carlisle has fully
funded home improvement grants to help you and your family stay safe and warm,
promote independence in your home and to keep you healthy and well in your
and Warm Grants of up to £10,000 per household can be awarded for home
improvements including your heating, electrical upgrades, double-glazing,
damp-proofing or to reduce risks and accidents. To qualify a member of your
household should have a health condition or disability or be a carer or be over
60 years of age and have savings less than £23,500.Your household income should
be less than £26,000 p.a for a 1 or 2 person household (larger households have
a higher threshold).You do not have to be in receipt of a welfare benefit but
if you do receive a benefit, including tax credits, then you may qualify. Safe and Warm grants are currently only available in the former district of Carlisle.