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Listed Building and Structures

Listed buildings are buildings of special historic or architectural interest which have been recorded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Buildings on the list are graded I, II* and II, Grade I being the most important. Listed Building Consent is required for virtually any proposals which result in change.

Internal and external works to listed buildings require listed building consent. Listed Building Consent is required for repairs alterations and/or extensions which materially alter the appearance, structure or historic interest of a listed building. This is in addition to any requirement for planning permission for a proposal.

There are over 1500 listed buildings in the Carlisle area.

 Further information can be found on the Planning Portal.

Listed Buildings Register

Only a small proportion of buildings in Britain (about 2.5%) are listed by the Department of National Heritage as being of special architectural or historic interest. Listing protects an irreplaceable part of our cultural heritage from unsympathetic changes and unnecessary destruction.

All buildings listed before 1700 which survive in anything like their original form are listed as most are built between 1700 and 1840. Between 1840 and 1914 the range of buildings listed becomes more selective. More recent buildings of special character may also be listed. The special interest of a building is not always visible; for example, an important ancient timber frame may be hidden behind later plaster or brickwork.

You can see the register of listed buildings in the Carlisle Area below. Every listed building is identified and briefly described. Only the main features may be described but the whole building is listed, including the interior; there is no such thing as a listed interior, exterior or single facade. Later additions, outbuildings, garden walls and associated structures are also protected by listing even if they are not mentioned in the list description.

The list is arranged by alphabetical parish. To search, open the document below, go to "file" then "search" and enter the address or part address of the building you are interested in.

For full listing details visit Historic England's register at

Article 4 Directions

Some properties within the District are subject to Article 4 Directions which withdraw specific ‘permitted development rights’. This means that planning permission would be required for works which would normally be permitted development and a planning application must be made, and granted, in advance of these works. 

Planning Conservation

Carlisle has a fascinating history with several historic towns and villages. We have 19 conservation areas and over 1500 listed buildings. Our Heritage Officer can provide guidance and advice about conservation areas and listed buildings in Carlisle Area on 01228 817077 or email [email protected].

As well as conservation areas and listed buildings, Carlisle has one area, Stanwix, subject to an Article 4(2) Direction. This is a means by which the Council can control various types of minor development usually, but not always, within a Conservation Area. The purpose of the Direction is to bring under planning control certain types of alterations to dwelling houses which normally would not require planning permission.

The Settle-Carlisle Railway was designated a Conservation Area in 1991. The Design Guide for buildings in the area can be viewed at The guide has been put together to set uniform standards of restoration and maintenance for stations along the line. The aim is to achieve a consistency of quality and appearance that will enhance the status and appeal of the route.

Flooding and Historic Buildings – Historic England Technical Advice Note

This guidance is designed to assist those who live in, own or manage historic buildings that together with their historic fixtures and fittings are threatened by periodic flooding. It is applicable to listed buildings and unlisted buildings of traditional construction.

It contains advice on preventative measures to minimise flood damage as well as on the inspection, conservation and repair of historic buildings after flooding.

Sources of further information and advice are listed at the end of the guidance.


1. Types of flooding
2. Establishing flood risk
3. Being prepared for flooding
4. Dealing with a flood
5. After the flood: minimising flood damage in old buildings
6. Where to get advice
7. Publications


This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically