How does it work
Limitations on events under a TEN
- No more than 499 people on the premises at any one time for each event
- A TEN event can last up to 168 hours or 7 days
- Each premises can hold no more than 15 TEN events per year
- Maximum total period covered by a TEN at any premises is 21 days per year
- Must be a minimum of 24 hours between each event notified by the same event organizer at any premises
- Multiple TENS can be submitted at the same time but each event is a separate TEN with a separate fee payable. The limits set out above cannot be exceeded.
- Anyone over the age of 18 can submit a maximum of 5 TENs per year
- Personal Licence Holders can submit a maximum of 50 TENs per year
Provided that the criteria set out above are met, only the Police or Environmental Protection may object to an event covered by a TEN.
In circumstances where the above criteria are not met, the Licensing Service must reject the TEN and the event will not be allowed to go ahead.
Where a TEN authorises the supply of alcohol, the notice contains a statement confirming that all such supplies are made by or under the authority of the premises user.
Amongst other things, a TEN must also provide details of the following:
- details of the licensable activities
- the location of the event and how long it will last
- the times when licensable activities will take place
- the maximum number of people to be allowed on the premises at any one time
Where premises are hired out to organisations/individuals for their own events, premises owners/operators must be aware that TENs submitted by such persons will be counted under the limits set down in the Act. We recommend that a booking agreement is used to ensure that all TENs made in respect of a premises are made with the agreement of the premises owner/operator.
You cannot exceed the times or dates you have specified in your TEN.
If the premises where the event is to be held straddles two or more local authority areas, then the a TEN must be served on each council.