Growing Our Potential - Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership 04 February 2020 04 February 2020 0 3543 Growing Our Potential - Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership Support for Businesses to Grow CLEP’s Growing Our Potential Programme is funded by Government’s Local Growth Fund and is designed to support growth, increase productivity, foster innovation and create jobs. The fund can support capital investment in established SMEs with CLEP providing between 10-40% of the total investment with the grant range between £50,000 and £200,000. Applicants will need to demonstrate a clear need for public funding support and that their project can be completed by 31 December 2020.
Carlisle Towns Fund 03 February 2020 03 February 2020 0 3664 Carlisle Towns Fund Towns Fund Carlisle has been confirmed as one of the 100 towns across the country shortlisted for the Towns Fund. Carlisle City Council is working with partners to secure up to £25 million from the UK Government through the production of a Town Deal for Carlisle. This Town Deal will outline projects to support skills development, business growth and drive the regeneration of Carlisle.
The Solway, Border & Eden LEADER Programme is OPEN to PRIORITY 2 Applications 18 December 2019 18 December 2019 0 3255 The Solway, Border & Eden LEADER Programme is OPEN to PRIORITY 2 Applications Priority 2 - Support for Small & Micro Enterprises and Farm Diversification - OPEN Priority 2 - Support for Small & Micro Enterprises and Farm Diversification - OPEN Funds under this priority will be used to provide grants for developing or starting rural micro and small businesses and farm diversification. Applications are sought from projects which support: The growth of micro and small rural enterprises (non-agricultural); New business start-ups with capital purchases; Improvements in productivity and efficiency of micro and small enterprises; Community and social enterprise start up and expansion particularly to provide rural services. Support new diversification activity which does not displace other businesses and business activity in the area; Expand existing farm diversification projects which have significant outputs; Contribute to significant cost savings and income generation to the farm business through the introduction of renewable technology; Create links between the farm and the wider local economy; Retain young people/new entrants in farming by increasing farm income levels to improve its sustainability. Applicants must demonstrate how the project will provide economic growth and job creation opportunities. For every £30,000 of grant, applicants must be able to create at least 1 new full-time equivalent sustainable job. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU READ THE CALL FOR PROJECTS DOCUMENTS WHICH PROVIDES FURTHER INFORMATION AND DEADLINES
Rural businesses to benefit from £35m government fund 05 November 2019 05 November 2019 0 3275 Rural businesses to benefit from £35m government fund Grants of up to £750,000 available to rural firms to boost productivity and create local jobs Rural businesses across the country are set to benefit from a guaranteed £35 million in government funding to create new jobs, boost tourism, and unlock growth in rural areas. This figure could be increased to £50 million if there are enough high-quality applications. The government’s Growth Programme, which opens for expressions of interest on Monday 4 November, provides grants for rural start-ups and businesses to purchase state-of-the-art equipment and machinery to grow their business or open up opportunities for tourism. The scheme has already granted £99 million to 546 local businesses across England, creating 3,771 new jobs in rural areas.
Get ready for Brexit 11 October 2019 11 October 2019 0 3077 Get ready for Brexit Get ready for Brexit on the 31st October 2019 Information, Guidance and Events can be found at the following: HMRC Brexit Webinars available at: Guidance, Information and Events from the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership available at: Brexit events hosted by Cumbria Tourism can be found at: Cumbria Chamber of Commerce dedicated Brexit helpline and support can be found at: Official Government Prepare for Brexit at: Chamber of Commerce helpline number: 0845 226 0040