Robin Rigg Community Fund 10 October 2019 10 October 2019 0 2193 Robin Rigg Community Fund Robin Rigg Community Fund As part of the consenting process for the E-On Robin Rigg wind farm in the Solway Firth, a local Community Benefit Fund was established for a ten year period. This time period has now come to an end and a new fund, the Robin Rigg Community Fund, is now running from 2020 to 2022. Solway Firth Partnership will be administering the fund on both sides of the Solway. The deadline for applications to the first round of the Robin Rigg Community Fund will be 5pm on Thursday 12 December 2019. Further applications may be invited during 2020 if funds are available.
ScaleUp Institute Survey 2019 27 August 2019 27 August 2019 0 2235 ScaleUp Institute Survey 2019 The ScaleUp Institute works to make the UK the best place in the world for a business to scale up and grow. We want to help you to overcome the barriers that may be stopping your business from achieving even greater growth. What has been important to your growth journey to date? What barriers does your business currently face when you try to grow? What is the most critical support that you need from the UK and private and public sectors to help you to continue to scale? The link to the survey is:
Countryside Productivity Small Grants (CPSG) scheme Round 2. NOW OPEN! 05 August 2019 05 August 2019 0 2167 Countryside Productivity Small Grants (CPSG) scheme Round 2. NOW OPEN! The RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme provides funding for projects in England which improve productivity in the farming and forestry sectors and help create jobs and growth in the rural economy. It is administered by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA). Under the RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme, there are grants for: Small grants. Water resource management and reservoirs. Improving forestry productivity. Adding value to Agri-food. Improving farm productivity. The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The RDPE Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme provides funding for farmers to purchase equipment to improve the productivity of their farm. The scheme is different to other parts of the Countryside Productivity scheme as it uses an online application process and is targeted at supporting investment for specific pieces of agricultural equipment.
Get involved in IPPR North Survey of SMEs 27 March 2019 27 March 2019 1 2405 Get involved in IPPR North Survey of SMEs IPPR North is conducting research with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the North of England, and would like to encourage businesses across the North to take part. IPPR North is a charity, and a think tank, with offices in Manchester and Newcastle, which carries out research on a wide range of issues relevant to the north of England and convene national and local decision-makers to influence public policy. Further information is available at Their current research project looks at how to support small and medium-sized businesses (0-249 employees) in the North to become more productive. They want to understand the barriers they currently face and how policy at a local and national level can better support them to survive and thrive. To do this they are inviting SMEs to complete their online survey - via this link: The survey is now live and will be open until mid-April. Alongside the survey, they are also running focus groups for SME leaders in the North of England. One of these will take place at Cumbria LEP’s Office, Redhills, Penrith, CA11 0DT on Tuesday 2 April, from 14:00 – 15:30. SMEs who are interested in participating should contact Anna Round ([email protected]).
Solway, Border & Eden: Call for Projects 11 January 2019 11 January 2019 0 2454 Solway, Border & Eden: Call for Projects The Solway, Border & Eden Local Action Group has secured an extension allowing funds to be committed until 30 June 2019 and is now in a position to launch a final Call for Projects under Priority 2 – Support for micro and small businesses (non-agricultural) and farm diversification. This Call aims to fully utilise all remaining funds in order to maximise the benefits to the local area. The Call is now live and contains information about the submission deadlines, maximum grant, who can apply etc. It’s important that you read the Call Document which can be downloaded here: Details about how to apply can be found here: If you were invited to submit a Full Application for the 9 January 2019 deadline but withdrew from the process and would like to reapply please contact the office on 01900 706004.