Important Information   

Please be advised we have made changes to how you access The Sands Car Park  - the entrance has reverted to the original entrance off Newmarket Road, the exit from The Sands has not changed and is still via Swifts Bank Road . There are separate arrangements in place for HGV and PSV's.

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Saturday , July , 27 2024
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City Council Car Parks

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  Car Parking Information and FAQs

Blue Badge Holder FAQs

Parking with a Blue Badge in Carlisle City Council Car Parks

  • Can I park for free in a Carlisle City Council Pay & Display Car Park and how long can I stay?
    Parking is free for up to 3 hours for Blue Badge Holders in any Carlisle City Council Car Park.
  • Where Can I Park in a Carlisle City Council Pay & Display Car Park?
    A blue badge holder may park in a ‘designated disabled bay’ or a ‘general parking bay’. Please occupy designated disabled bays before using general parking bays.


  • What must I display when parking in a Carlisle City Council Car Park?
    Two things:
    1. A valid Blue Badge must be clearly displayed showing the expiry date, serial number and issuing authority.
    2. A clock disc or parking clock displaying your time of arrival. A note stating your time of arrival is also acceptable.


  • I’ve had 3 hours free parking in a Carlisle City Council Pay & Display Car Park; can I move to a different parking bay and have another 3 hours in the same car park?
    3 hour’s free parking applies to the entire car park and not an individual bay, you may not return to the same car park that day; although you can relocate to another car park.


  • Can I park for longer than 3 hours in a Carlisle City Council Pay & Display Car Park?
    Yes. For stays of over 3 hours, normal Pay & Display charges apply.


  • Can I park for 3 hours in a Carlisle City Council Disc Controlled or Limited Waiting Car Park?
    No. A blue badge holder must adhere to the time restrictions as indicated on signs or information boards, there are no exemptions for blue badge holders. This applies to Back Corporation Road Car Park and Stanwix Car Park.


  • Can I park on Double Yellow Lines in a Car Park?
    No, Double Yellow Lines indicate a restricted area within a car park. Vehicles must be parked wholly within a marked bay or space.


  • Can I park across more than one bay with a Blue Badge?
    No, not without purchasing a Pay & Display ticket for each of the additional bays used

 Contact Details

  Carlisle City Council 01228 817200

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