A new fund has been launched to help local authorities in England provide new, and improve accommodation provision for travellers.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has launched £10 million of capital funding to support local authorities in building new transit and permanent traveller sites, to refurbish existing permanent traveller and transit sites and provide temporary stopping places and facilities for travellers.
Funding is available to local authorities in England for building new or improved accommodation for travellers who have their needs assessed under the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites or the National Planning Policy Framework. It can also be used for the provision of temporary stopping places.
Local authorities can work with partners such as housing associations, voluntary sector organisations and community-based organisations (including traveller organisations) in the delivery and management of the sites.
The DLUHC encourage joint bids with neighbouring authorities and both upper and lower tier authorities, as well as local partners such as police.
A total of £10 million is available for the 2022/23 financial year only.
Bids of up to £1 million are encouraged.
Applications will be accepted until the deadline of 13 June 2022 (midday).
How To Apply
Applications will be accepted until the deadline of 13 June 2022 (midday).
For more information, visit the GOV UK website.