Grants are available to partnerships in England, led by not-for-profit organisations, public bodies and businesses, to research carbon storage in new and restored habitats.
The aim of the Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote carbon sequestration. This is to be achieved by creating or restoring semi-natural habitats, which can also bring multiple additional benefits when planned at a landscape scale.
The programme is competitive. Grants will be awarded to pilot projects that best meet the programme’s objectives. Successful applications will receive part of a £5 million pot from public funding.
Projects must achieve habitat creation and restoration at a landscape scale - an area of at least 500 hectares in size. Applications must include specific habitats, such as native woodland, peaty pockets, hedgerows, and semi-natural grassland. Proposals should consider multiple benefits, such as water quality and water management, local biodiversity and wider habitat connectivity.
Applications must be made by partnerships, led by not-for-profit organisations, including charities and environmental non-governmental organisations; public bodies, including local authorities and national park authorities; and companies or other businesses, including sole traders, academic institutions, community interest companies and community benefit companies.
Projects must be based, or partially based, in England.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 29 August 2022 (12:00 BST).
How To Apply
The deadline for receipt of applications is 29 August 2022 (12:00 BST).
Applications are made online at the GOV UK website.