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Grants and External Funding

Please use the menu below to access information on grants and external funding news and resources. 

grants and external funding


Open 4 Business Portal

Open 4 business logo image

Carlisle City Council is providing local businesses with free access to its local business support and grant portal provided by Open4Business. This is tailored for the Carlisle area and includes local, regional and national schemes.

Business can also search for funding relevant to their size and sector. To use the portal, you will first need to register with Open4Business.




Grantway is a new grant search portal available completely free of charge.

Go to Grantway



Grants and Funding

Sky Media Announces £2m Sky Zero Footprint Fund

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Media agencies, creatives and brands across the UK can access funding to help accelerate and amplify positive environmental messages and behavioural change, through TV advertising.

Funding body: Sky Media

Maximum value: £ 1,000,000

Application deadline: 14/05/2021

Launch of £250,000 Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs Competition

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The Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs Competition aims to help businesspeople bring their enterprising ideas, imagined during the coronavirus lockdown, to fruition.

Successful participants will be awarded grants to grow or buy the basics they need to commence trading.

The competition has an overall budget of £250,000.

UK Community Renewal Fund | Cumbria County Council

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This Fund aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches and will invest in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment.  

Completed Project Proposal Forms are to be submitted to [email protected] no later than noon on 17 May 2021.

Boost Choose Now Change Lives Programme

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Grants are intended to support groups delivering projects and activities for the benefit of people in their local communities. This may include:

  • Community groups that bring the local community together, whether it be through sport, art, music or just generally providing a place for people to come together.
  • Homeless charities that help rough sleepers to find shelter and help provide them with the support they need.
  • Food banks that provide food and essential supplies for families or individuals in crisis.

Applications will be accepted from the following: Charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs), Community groups, Lower-tier local authorities, Health authorities, Social housing, Other not-for-profit organisations.  Maximum value: £10,000 Application deadline: 23/05/2021

Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme Relaunches Next Month

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The new vouchers, worth up to £3,500 for businesses will go live on 8 April 2021 and mean that rural areas will not have to wait for supplier contracts under Project Gigabit to reach them.

More details will be reported when the UK Gigabit Voucher launches next month.

Youth Centre Recovery Fund Deadline Alert!

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The Youth Centre Recovery Fund has been established by Julia and Hans Rausing to help charities running youth centres to be able to survive and recover from the impact of Covid-19. A total of £8 million is available to provide core funding and funding for youth work, covering the period 1st April to 30th September 2021. Applications close at 4pm on 31st March. 

Magic Little Grants

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The Magic Little Grants Fund provides charities and community groups that are either in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £250k the opportunity to apply for a £500 grant. Fund priorities include physical activity, increasing access to outdoor spaces and mental health. The fund is open until 31st October 2021. 

Sport England - Return to Play

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In addition to regular funding streams, which have been affected by the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis, Sport England have opened a £16.5m Return to Play Fund.

There are three parts to this new fund - Small Grants and the Community Asset Fund, which have been adapted from pre-coronavirus funds, and Active Together crowdfunding, which has been extended - with all three now focusing on a safe return to play and narrowing the inequalities gap in sport and physical activity.

The Good Cloud Foundation

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The Good Cloud Foundation will make grants (for both core and capital costs) of up to £12,500 to UK based charities and good causes which have a clear and measurable benefit to local communities.  

It is anticipated that the first grant round will be open for applications in late Spring 2021. To register for updates go to the fund website below. 

Grants of up to £50,000 Available for Community Projects (UK)

The closing date for this round is the 7th April 2021.

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Aviva has launched the next round of its Community Fund. Aviva has teamed up with the fundraising platform Crowdfunder to offer funding of up to £50,000 to small charities, schools and community interest groups in the UK with innovative ideas that benefit their community.

Fellfoot Forward Community Fund

The Fellfoot Forward LPS has a rolling application window for its community fund.

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Grants are available for groups and organisations who are involved in community projects that benefit the sustainability and well-being of Fellfoot Forward communities and are in, partly within or demonstrating a clear benefit to the Fellfoot area. A fund of £100,000 is set aside for community initiatives delivered over the four delivery years 2020-2023 via the Community Fund.

Triodos Bank

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Triodos Bank provides financial services to UK charities, businesses and organisations that are committed to making a positive cultural, social or environmental impact.

StoryFutures Kickstart Funding

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Funding to support early stage project research and development, and the creation of immersive proof of concepts across Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) platforms.

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