Information on Roads and Highways Closures

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Roads, Highways Closures

Almost all  the road network in the Cumberland area is looked after by Cumberland Council.

They are also responsible for setting speed limits, gritting roads in winter and looking after hundreds of bridges, tens of thousands of street lights and other structures. They have a key role in coping with traffic accidents, civil emergencies, improving road safety and many other areas. 

Permanent road closures

Permanent road closures are dealt with by Cumberland Council.

There may be instances when permanent closures of the highway are either necessary or desirable.

A permanent road closure can be processed under two Acts of Parliament:

  • The Highways Act 1980
  • The Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Closure due to the highway being unnecessary

If the reason for the closure is that the highway is deemed unnecessary and there is a nearer or more commodious alternative route available to the public, the highway authority can apply to a magistrates’ court, on behalf of an applicant, for an order to stop the highway under Section 116 to 119 of the Highways Act 1980.


In all cases proposed closures are subject to consultation and objections may be received from interested parties opposing such proposals.

Objections to the closure may be received from:

  • Various bodies who may oppose the closure proposal (Ramblers Association etc.)
  • Utility companies (eg United Utilities) who have apparatus in the road that may require diversion, etc. The applicant will have to pay for this work if the closure is granted.

Other permanent closures

The following closures can be processed under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

If your application requires the closure of a public right of way (public footpath or bridleway) or an adopted footway or passageway (which cannot be used for vehicular access), please contact us for guidance

Road closures and diversions

Current Notices

Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 makes provision for the making of Closing Orders to control traffic in connection with parades and events taking place on roads.

See downloadable documents for details of planned road closures

Looking to hold a street party or fête?

If you are looking to arrange a street party, for example, for The King's Coronation there are rules you need to follow. You can find out more here.

  • Find out what type of road closure you need.
  • See the downloadable documents below for an application form.
  • The government has put together a handy online guide.

Why do we close roads?

Every year, Cumberland Council determine a series of planned road works. These works are carried out to maintain or improve the condition of the highway network (structural maintenance), or to undertake safety improvements. We appreciate that these works can cause inconvenience to road users and aim to minimise disruption as far as possible. You can use the information shown here to see what road works are being undertaken in your local area, and help plan your journey.

Temporary Closures

It is sometimes necessary to temporarily close roads and divert traffic via an alternative route. There are several reasons for this, and these include:

  • To protect the public from imminent danger
  • To protect the road or structures from damage
  • Work on or adjacent to the highway
  • Markets
  • Sporting events such as the Brampton - Carlisle road race
  • Demonstrations and parades
  • To facilitate events like the Cumberland Show

What type of closure is necessary?

The road requires closure if there is a risk that the highway is liable to be obstructed by the proposed event. There are three types of closure.

Type 1

This type of closure is for

  • A minor road or residential street; organised by residents, for residents.

The closure is for a limited period of time or for a short section of highway where emergency access would still be available if required. This would be advertised in the event location and on this website. There is no cost for this.

These applications must be submitted no later than 4 weeks before the event.

Type 2

This type of closure is for

  • a minor road, main road or bus route;
  • a residential street where the event is publicly advertised ; OR
  • an event organised on a commercial basis.

The closure is for a limited period of time but may require a diversion for local traffic, although emergency vehicles may still be able to access the street if required. This needs to be advertised in the event location, on this website AND in the local press. There will be a charge of £800 for this type of closure.

These applications must be submitted no later than 6 weeks before the event. The fee must be paid before the application is processed.

Type 3

If the closure is for a major arterial route or classified road or there is no emergency access or if a diversion is essential then more time will be required. Alternatively applications for this type of closure could be submitted directly to Cumberland Council. The charge for this type of closure will be at least £800 and will take significantly more than 6 weeks.

  Roads Hightways and Pavements FAQ

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