Saturday , February , 08 2025
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Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Management

Our duties include:

  • Assess local risks.
  • Put in place Emergency Plans.
  • Put in place Business Continuity Management arrangements.
  • Put in place arrangements to make information available to the public about civil protection matters.
  • Maintain arrangements to warn, inform and advise the public in the event of an emergency.
  • Share information with other local responders to enhance co-ordination.
  • Co-operate with other local responders to enhance co-ordination and efficiency.
  • Provide advice and assistance to businesses and voluntary organisations about business continuity management.

Carlisle City Council:

Service Office Hours Out of Hours
Customer Services 01228 817200  
Homelessness 01228 817079 Homeless Information

Environment Agency Contacts:

Service Office Hours Out of Hours
Environment Agency - General 0845 9333111  
Floodline 24 hour 0845 9881188 0845 9881188
Emergency 24 hour 0800 807060 0800 807060


Service Emergency Number
Gas Leak (National grid Emergencies) 0800 111 999
No Electricity (Electricity Northwest) 0800 195 4141
No/dirty Water (United Utilities) 0845 746 2200


More Information

For more detailed and updated information on Emergencies, please visit

A multi-agency partnership, the Cumbria Local Resilience Forum, plans for and responds to major incidents. For more detailed and updated information on emergencies, please visit

Can your business help in a major incident?

Cumbria has experienced some extreme weather in the last decade and this has led to major incidents being declared. In a major incident we will use our emergency plans to respond to the immediate challenge and once this has been met, plan the recovery.
We assess, plan for, respond to and recover from emergencies through the Cumbria Resilience Forum.This forum is a partnership of organisations and agencies involved with emergency response in our communities.

The partnership includes the voluntary sector, these organisations play an increasingly important role in response and recovery.
There is an opportunity for your business to join the forum and help local communities during a major incident.

If you are interested, please complete the Protocol Document listed in Downloadable Documents and send to [email protected]

We will contact you to discuss your offer and work with you to establish a clear understanding of the opportunity.

Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Management is about identifying those parts of your organisation that you can't afford to lose and planning how to maintain these if an incident occurs. For further information please see the Business Continuity Management Toolkit.

Useful links:

Carlisle City Council Flooding webpage

Cumbria Winter Ready

Environment Agency

Met Office - Winter Ready

United Utilities

This A to Z of services list provides links to service pages alphabetically