A Neighbourhood Development Order can grant planning permission for certain types of development in identified locations without the need to submit planning permission. The process of preparation is very similar to that of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan.
A Community Right to Build Order is a type of Neighbourhood Development Order which gives community organisations the power to deliver development the local community wants without the need to apply for planning permission.
A Village or Parish Design Statement provide a context for new development, based on local character. They are a tool to manage development in the Parish/ Village, so that it makes a positive contribution to the local environment. Design Statements describe the characteristics and qualities that are valued in the village, setting out clear and simple guidance for the design of new developments in the village, based on the identified character. These can stand alone or be part of a Parish or Neighbourhood Plan. In Carlisle district, Village Design Statements once adopted are used as supplementary planning documents and as such are used in determining planning applications.
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