The City Centre Development Framework, produced by planning consultants GVA on Carlisle City Council’s behalf, is a framework to guide future development in the city centre up to 2030. It was completed and published in March 2015.
An initial public consultation was held in November of 2013 which focussed on defining and analysing key character areas, such as Caldew Riverside, the Citadel, and Rickergate setting out issues and initial options. Since then technical information such as design work and transport analysis together with the responses received and engagement with landowners and officers at both the City and County Council have all been used to refine the development framework. A further public consultation was then held in Summer 2014. A consultation statement, detailing what was said during this consultation and how the Council chose to respond is available along side the finalised version of the development framework below.
The development framework now suggests a number of possibilities for each of the character areas, highlighting those where the opportunities for change are greatest, and sets out what form these could take as well as when any changes could occur. It also suggests how an additional 200,000 square feet of non-food retail floorspace could be accommodated within the city centre across the next fifteen years. In this latter regard the draft Development Framework aims to respond to the recommendations from the Carlisle Retail Study published in August 2012 which stated that ‘in order to proactively plan for the future development through the Local Plan, the Council should identify potential site opportunities to accommodate new retail and leisure development’.
Ultimately the development framework seeks to ensure that Carlisle's City Centre remains a strong, competitive and attractive one which meets the future needs and expectations of everyone who uses it.
An Executive Summary of the City Centre Development Framework is also available to download below.
If you have any questions regarding the Carlisle City Centre Development Framework consultation or would like any further information, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01228 817569, or by email to [email protected]