The documents below were submitted to the Secretary of State as part of the suite of files associated with the Carlisle District Local Plan (2015-2030). These documents consist of the core Local Plan documents as well as others that were used to support the Plan at examination. They were considered by the Planning Inspector when assessing the soundness of the Local Plan. Paper copies of each document are available to view on request at the Civic Centre.
Carlisle District Local Plan 2001-2016 Proposals Map Interactive version
Cumbria Renewable Energy Capacity and Deployment Study & Annexes
Annual Monitoring Report
Solway Coast AONB Management Plan
Cumbria Historic Environment Record Online: (ONLINE RESOURCE ONLY)
FSD 001
National Planning Policy for Waste (DCLG, 2014)
FSD 007
Draft Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) 2015
3rd Cumbria Local Transport Plan (LTP 3 2011-2026). Moving Cumbria Forward: Cumbria Transport Plan Strategy
FSD 016
Carlisle Plan
Energy Efficiency SPD
SPD prepared jointly by Cumbria County Council et al
Letter to Inspector RE Additional Representations 115 and 116
Eden District Council Response 201015 - Matter 1 Duty to Cooperate
The Council's Examination in Public Opening Statement