Neighbourhood Development Planning is a key part of the Localism Act. It gives local communities a greater power to shape development. There are two main parts to community led Neighbourhood Planning: Neighbourhood Plans and Neighbourhood Development Orders.
Neighbourhood Plans set out, at local level, vision and planning policies for an area to support the strategic policies of the Local Plan for Carlisle district. It may cover proposals for improving the area, providing new facilities, or allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development.
Neighbourhood Orders is a means for a parish or neighbourhood forum to grant planning permission for certain kinds of development within a specified area.
A Neighbourhood Plan as a statutory development plan for the area has far more weight than some other local documents, such as Parish Plans, community led plans and village design statements.
A Neighbourhood Plan must comply with European and national legislation and have appropriate regard to national policy and be in conformity with existing strategic local planning policy. It should not promote less development than that identified in the development plan for the local area (such as new housing allocations).
The need to produce a Neighbourhood Plan depends on whether the emerging Local Plan for Carlisle is robust and relevant to your neighbourhood area. There are on-going opportunities to influence the policies of the new Local Plan. It is important that parishes and community groups consider and discuss these opportunities with the Policy and Investment Team (contact details below).
Parishes can seek to prepare the following:
For Support from Locality including guidance and funding support follow:
Information on Community Led Plans and Parish Plans
If you have trouble accessing information on the internet or would prefer to discuss Neighbourhood Planning with the Investment and Policy Team, contact details can be found below.
Investment and Policy Team Carlisle City Council Civic Centre Carlisle CA3 8QG
Tel 01228 817312
Email: [email protected]