Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) are produced as a supplement to the Local Plan produced by the City Council. The aim of the document is to indicate how the City Council interprets the policies of the adopted Local Plan in a particular circumstance. Some guidance applies to the whole district and will deal with a particular issue; others apply to only part of it such as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Documents can also be site specific, especially where development is proposed such as the sites allocated in the Local Plan.
Supplementary Planning Documents are prepared in consultation with the community and set in the context of national planning policies. Once adopted by the City Council, the document will be used by planning officers and the Development Control Committee when considering planning applications.
Supplementary Planning Documents are available free from the City Council.
We are working in partnership with Cumbria County Council, the Lake District National Park Authority and other Cumbria District and Borough Councils to produce county wide Supplementary Planning Documents. These will provide guidance to help developers put together development proposals. Currently only the Cumbria Wind Energy SPD (2007) has been produced and adopted on a county wide basis. More information is available following the link below.
Cumbria Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)